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Please tell us about your Comfort gut success!
Send your stories to info@comfortgut.com. The horses Comfort gut has helped...

Would never be without it now
"I put my boy on CG over a year ago and would never be without it now" Caroline Healy
Such a difference!
"Fantastic stuff, has made an enormous difference to two of ours would really love to win this" Terri Pickard
Less stressy
"I bought a tub of comfort gut for my rising 5 year d Connie and I can see the difference already!! He's less stressy and calmer" Andrea Richardson
Massive difference
"This has made a massive difference to my horse I have a 27 year old tb that has wind sucked all him left but the last few winters I have struggled with his weight this year i have had no problem so far at all if anything I would say he may have a bit fat going on" Tara Mason
Racehorses thrive on Comfort Gut
My racehorses thrive on Comfort Gut! This is my favorite 2 year old, picture taken 10 days before he ran his foirt race and ran 2nd. Deirdre Bell
Completely changed
His mind has completely changed since being on Comfort Gut! Before he was bucking so hard the cowboy put a flying w on him and ripped out his front legs so he fell down when he bucked. Now I can ride him quietly and calmly. Deirdre Bell

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